Japanese Culture
Now, I have to admit a real affection for Japan, the Japanese and Japanese culture. My parents lived there in the early seventies and I spend all my school holidays there.
I wasn't obsessed by it then, but we spent a lot of time in what was then a really unknown country, when they first went we didn't know anyone who had even met anyone Japanese person, except during the war. So we got the full strangeness of Japan, 1st hand.
Anyway James enough of the remeniscences, what's the point of this post? Well I am watching a TV program where some fatuous presenter is trying to understand a Japanese concept (in this case Wabi Sabi) and failing to get it, in exactly the same way people did in the seventies.
Indeed the way we looked at it then was that every time you got to the point when you had the light bulb go on and you thought ha! I've got it, then something would happen to demonstrate that you hadn't got it at all. It was ever thus.
Doesn't stop me wanting to go back and live there again though.
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