Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"To help ensure we are able to run the best service possible", Southeastern Rail said yesterday, today they cancelled my trains

To help ensure we are able to run the best service possible in these weather conditions, Southeastern is implementing a revised timetable which will provide a reduced service across the Mainline and Metro networks.

So said the email from Southestern Trains, so we all endured the chaos getting home last night with trains delayed, cancelled, disappearing and turning up at random platforms. Still I for one felt re-assured that the train company was preparing for the predicted snow and would have everything in place to run "the best service possible". After all they had the experience of snow before christmas to learn from, plenty of warning and plans in place to run a saturday service.

What could go wrong?

This morning I awoke to a couple of inches of snow on the ground. Lovely. We have new sleds, plenty of warm clothing, everything we need. Up early, cleared the driveway, smiled and waved at my neighbours - a lovely suburban scene.

And what did Southeastern Rail do, why they cancelled all of the trains of course.

It is not because the snow is unexpected, or even heavy, it is sheer incompetence and lack of customer focus.

Shame on you Southeastern Rail your service is crap.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense


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