Has Ubuntu lost it? Updated
The worst thing I have done recently is upgrade my Ubuntu desktop to 11.04, it is seriously flawed/unusable.
I've been using Ubuntu on my main work PC since Hoary Hedgehog, and have loved it. It has the perfect combination of ease of use and power, is secure, fast and just works. That was until they chose Unity over Gnome. And even that was OK until they went and broke Gnome.
My productivity has dropped off a cliff. Transitioning from window to window, app to app has turned into a massively annoying andvtimewasting activity as I end up alt-tabbing like a loony. This is nonsense, I am perfectly capable of clicking on a menu bar ffs.
And it seems that I am not alone, the is a great writeup that describes almost exactly my experience (a colleague wondered if it was actually me) by Jem Matzan, at www.jemmatzan.com.
I am now going to have to wipe my machine and start again. Maybe back to an earlier version, maybe th, maybe something else. Not what I want to do right now.
Sigh, Linux on the desktop self destructs.
The Register does a good piece on the community reaction to this issue http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/11/08/ubuntu_on_trial
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