Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bob Quick's Blunder

With all the fuss about Bob Quick (the UK's leading Anti-Terrorism Policeman) accidentally showing the details of an ongoing operation to the press by carrying a piece of paper showing details of the operation that was snapped by a photographer, everyone seems to be suggesting that this was an accident. I even heard someone on Radio 4's Today program say that his mind was on other things, as if this excused the blunder.

This is nonsense.

Security, has to be by design, not by accident. If you take security seriously it should be the first priority, not an afterthought. His instinct should have kicked in to ensure that the secret paper remained secret, it is unthinkable that a security professional would have done that.

I don't think he actually put any of us at risk over the incident, but if it is symptomatic to his approach, then we should be concerned.


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