Sunday, March 30, 2008

Truly good things

I have just ordered a new digital camera, and as you would expect, I have spent far too long in deciding what to get. But on the positive side, waiting has saved me about £150 pounds so I mustn't grumble. Canon EOS 40D fyi, great deal at add to that the £45 cashback at Canon (until the end of May 2008) and I'm a happy man.

But that isn't really the thrust of this message, what I am hoping to convey is that even in this throwaway, built in obsolecence upgrade every year kind of world you can still buy things that are truly good and lasting.

And I say this sitting typing on my venerable Sony Vaio FX108K. Utilising an Intel Pentium 750 Mhz 15.4" screen 20gb HDD 256Mb RAM and WIN2k. It is seven years old and counting and it runs like a dream, has never gone wrong, still has one of the best displays I've seen on a laptop it is clear bright and has no duff pixels. Every time I use it I fall in love with it again. The keyboard is great, even the mousepad (of which I am not a fan) works for me. OK so it is a bit clunky to carry around (so I have an eeepc for that) and the battery doesn't last that long (easily replaced) but it's plus points far outweigh its bad. It works without fuss and I would buy one again without hesitation, in fact I could have replaced it, but couldn't find anything that could get close for a price I was willing to pay.

The point being that it is a truly good thing, a great piece of hardware that I would be really upset to lose.

Proof if you like that we still make great things. I just hope my new camera falls into the same category (it is replacing a venerable Olymmpus OM1 that has given me 20 years of more of great service!).

Anyone out there have any similar recommendations or experiences in a similar vein?

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