Friday, April 30, 2010

Is it just me, or is the stock market falling in direct relationship to the likelihood of David Cameron winning?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not often that security guru Bruce Schneier gets namechecked

but he does in this article on talking about MP Alan Johnson's ridiculous stance on CCTV i.e. more cameras.

Why are we proposing to spend more money on things that don't work and when can we have evidence based policies from our politicians?

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Monday, April 26, 2010

It's a shock. Suddenly seeing tap shoes around the place. You realise that they are all growing up so quickly, and you think how short and fleeting are the moments in your life. Still, mustn't grumble, eh.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Having a Wonderful Time"

What's been bugging me over the last week is how very British we have all been about the complete closure of all UK airports (and most of the rest of Europe's).

There has been such a surreal sense of acceptance, a kind of things happening over there to other people while the rest of us carry on. I've had two people in the office stuck overseas, one is now back and the other still missing. But no-one has panicked, no-one has died, we've all just got on with it.

What it reminds me of more than anything is JG Ballard's short story "Having a Wonderful Time", where holidays makers in the Canaries end up having their holiday's extended apparently indefinitely, with more and more people arriving all the time. The premise being that governments across Europe are shipping underemployed off to the Canaries for good. This is accompanied by an acceptance of their fate and people making the best of their situation. Read it if you get a chance, it is in "The Complete Short Stories: Volume 2"

This is a theme re-visited by Douglas Adams later in his Hitchhikers Guide series where all of the "less useful" people, the Telephone Sanitisers, Middle Managers etc. are shipped off-planet on a mysterious mission. Albeit without Ballard's sense of normal, unreality.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Monday, April 19, 2010

"The connecting point is digital" Brian Wallace of RIM

How agencies need to work together

Hear, hear I say, drop that expensive "Creative" lead agency, and get your Digital folk to co-ordinate it. After all they are the ones who truly understand and live in that cross platform world. The Digital people are the ones who embrace and value change as well as having to understand and work with non-Digital media.

And in the end, all media will be Digital to a greater or lesser degree.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Friday, April 09, 2010

Apple takes "control freakery" to a new level - iPhone and iPad apps must be written in Objective C, no code translation from Flash allowed

This is clearly laying down a marker for Adobe, interesting to see how this pans out, and whether Apple can enforce it.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Apple and the NY Times a thoughtful and thought provoking analysisfrom Dan Gillmor

Analysing the relationship between these two companies and what it says about the future media world.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sinister wording. We're watching out, for you. Well how did they know I was coming?