Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Saw a car sticker on the way to work this morning promoting "Homeopathy Awareness", surely some mistake. Wouldn't it be that the fewer people who knew about it the more effective it would be?

If a millionth fewer people knew, that would work better, or some such nonsense.

Friday, June 05, 2009

70's music

Just watching a program about Island Records and I must admit that I'd forgotten a whole bunch of stuff they released. Not only that, the 70's clearly wasn't as much of a wasteland as many people seem to think.

When the Bob Marley album Exodus was out, the album chart was:

Arrival - ABBA
Hotel California - The Eagles
A New World Record - ELO
Exodus - Bob Marley
Deceptive Bends - 10cc

What a top 5! 3 are still well known classics, and believe me Deceptive Bends was hugely successful.

I think we would struggle to find similar in the noughties.