Friday, October 01, 2010

Why we have file naming conventions

So, it's Friday we are working on our submission to a client to get on
their roster (v.important).

A lot of effort, sweat and creativity has been put into our submission -
which is limited to 5 slides. The submission is eventually agreed by everyone, the deadline

The last step is to upload it into the online bid management system, we
upload the file, check it is right, double check and treble check.
Satisfied we press "Submit"

And their system errors, badly. It doesn't say what is wrong, just


The problem? underscores in the file name, doh!

Rule number 3 in our File Naming Conventions 3 Use capital letters to delimit words, not spaces or underscores

Happy to share them all, they definitely work.

The conventions comprise the following rules. 1. Keep file names short, but meaningful.
2. Avoid unnecessary repetition and redundancy in file names and
file paths.
3. Use capital letters to delimit words, not spaces or underscores.
4. When including a number in a file name always give it as a
two-digit number, i.e. 01-99, unless it is a year or another
number with more than two digits.
5. If using a date in the file name always state the date ‘back to
front’, and use four digit years, two digit months and two digit
days if needed: standard format YYYYMM 6. Avoid using common words such as ‘draft’ or ‘letter’ at the
start of file names, unless doing so will make it easier to
retrieve the record.
7. Avoid using non-alphanumeric characters in file names.

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense