Monday, June 20, 2011

Made in Britain with Evan Davis

Watching Evan Davis' investigation into the state of British manufacturing and its problems, opportunities and history. It is a really good story and he doesn''t pull punches, or fall into the traditional "oh its all the fault of..." trap.

What stood out for me though was his final section which was the issue (that I have touched on earlier) that we in the UK are keener on spending our money than saving it - hence there is an investment gap and business doesn't have the wherewithall to invest.

He didn't directly finger housing costs (and our obsession with rising house prices) as the biggest issue, but in my opinion it is.

In the UK most people see their house as their major opportunity to generate wealth, including as a pension fund. This means that they put all of their investments into the home, with the expectation that just by owning it for a few years that they will inevitably make money. Of course if everyone does this it becomes a sort of self fulfilling prophesy. However it is just a pyramid scam, where those in the scheme (existing homeowners) have their gains made by new entrants (1st time buyers) putting m0ney into the scam.

At the end of the day, whilst house inflation may be running at say 5% per annum it is a false gain, after all the house isn't 5% bigger/better etc.

The real cost for the economy however is the lack of investment in real wealth generators i.e. the business sector. Businesses are starved of investment and lose comptetitiveness compared with those investment rich companies in economies such as Germany, Japan and of course the US.

So, good call Evan - I look forward to the next program in the series.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Manchster United's Free Transfer List

Manchester United

Devlin Conor
Hargreaves Owen
Neville Gary Alexander
Scholes Paul
Van Der Sar Edwin

Sad to see such great talents go

Posted via email from james downes' preposterous nonsense

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Weird things you find when you travel

Anyone who saw my February 2008 post will know that I have a certain fondness for the film "Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia" and not just for the name.

The tale of a morally bankrupt drifter played by Warren Oates in 70's Mexico as a paino player turned bounty hunter, out to get said head for a reward of $1m. vAnd it all goes horribly wrong.

The other star of the film was the 1962 Chevy Impala convertible, and guess what they had inside one of the bars in the hotel in Turkey we have just stayed in? Yup, a cherry red 60'2 Chevy Impala convertible (suitably beaten up) barely believable.

The staff and management had not idea why they had it there, other than a 60's/70's theme, but there it was.

I am hoping that the designer put it there on purpose. I could be wrong though.

Oh, and it was a glorious looking car.

