Money, money, money, must be funny, in a football world
So, Harry's in court again, has he blown his chances of making England Coach?
Now, I don't intend to argue the rights or wrongs of this case, it is still going through court and I don't have enough knowledge to make a considered judgement. Let's wait for the court to decide on his guilt or not, and any sentence.
I would normally expect that this would end all chances of him being appointed England coach, but with the lack of other options you never know what the FA may do, and how they may justify it. There certainly aren't many other English candidates and they may be inclined to give it to Harry regardless. Let's wait and see, although I must say that I would personally be appalled if they did.
What has surprised me, and in hindsight I should have seen this coming, was that Harry Redknapp was paid a 10% commission on every player he sold. That's right, he was rewarded for selling players.
Now correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that a Managers job was to keep his players and to get the best results for the team - not to trade players for commission. Surely the reward for the manager for getting the most money for a player that they sold (reluctantly or otherwise) was to be able to improve his team, not line his own pocket?
I would have thought at there would be some form of a commercial director or finance director whose job it was to maximise the proceeds of a sale, and to put that on the club's bottom line. Have we moved so far away from any normal practice that this would be acceptable. Incentivising the manager to sell players seems to me to involve some kind of conflict of interest.
Better people than me I am sure will do the sums of who he sold, and what he may have been paid and compare that to league progress etc. and we can only wonder what could have been achieved, or not.
And I bet none of the money made its way to grassroots, youth football.
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