Thursday, October 27, 2005

UK Property Market

On the subject of the British property market, one of the little discussed results of the frankly crazy rise in property prices (well it is is that it drains investment funds from the economy.

Anyone who has some spare cash nowadays wants to invest it in property because they all think that you can double your money in a year or so, and/or is the best pension fund you can have. The result of this is that the small investor doesn't invest in businesses that actually do something to create wealth, thus starving the business world of finance. Oh, no they invest in things that don't create wealth, but rise in price through supply and demand - which will always end up in an investment bubble.

So we end up with less investment in businesses and lots of money into a bubble economy. A recipe for disaster. And we wonder why much of British industry is foreign owned.

Snippets - minor comments where time defeats me

Prince Charles, interviewed on Radio 4's Today program bemoans the fact the the British spend less per head on food that our European neighbours. Well of course they do, and at the same time the British spend more of their income on housing than our Europena neighbours. Anyone else think that these two things are related?

Monday, October 24, 2005

email marketing tips

This from some research carried out in 2005. It seems that 40% of legitimate email marketing messages are scrambled when they yget to the client

This mirrors our Pancentric experience with enabler where newer email software and overactive corporate filters make many great email campaigns less effective than they should be.

Some good ways to make sure your email marketing campaign works are

  • Always have a plain text version

  • Make sure that you include text within the e-mail not just images

  • Always have a "view online" option that shows a web version of the creative (at the top!)

  • Test the email to see what it looks like without images

  • Make sure that you use image height and width so that even if images are blocked, the layout remains

  • Request to be added to recipients' address books, wiht instructions if you can