Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Random Factoids (or are they?)

20% of the World's active CCTV Cameras are in the UK!

That is really scary, I mean what kind of a government/society feels it necessary AND acceptable to video it's citizens (sorry Subjects) to such an extent.

And regardless of the any reasoning about why we are the most heavily spied upon country in the world, it's not as if crime has been reduced as a result of all this CCTV action. At best they move crime from one area to another, at worst they remove other crime prevention activities and provide an audience for criminals/scallies. You know, it doesn't take rocket science to work out how long it takes for the authorities to respond to an incident seen on a camera. So anyone who really wants to break the law can do so in the knowledge that no-one will be along for 10 minutes or however long it takes. On the other hand, random acts of inconsequential law breaking (pissing in the streets) are punished with a zeal.

The end result is that there is no effect on dedicated lawbreakers, but minor infractions by generally law abiding citizens/subjects are punished.

Criminalise the law abiding and ignore the criminals! What a strategy.


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